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Get to shape one of the Web’s most exciting ventures, and help the WPM at the same time.

WPM’s progress
WPM roll of honour
How to get started
How to get on the roll of honour – tips and opportunities

Zeal is an exciting new type of Internet directory that is unique in several ways.

  • Zeal is shaped and developed by its users, both in the sites that are submitted, and the ratings they are given. Zeal allows you to control the direction of what will probably become one of the Web’s major resources.
  • Every piece of “work” at Zeal – submitting, rating and reviewing sites – is rewarded by a small payment to the charity of your choice.
  • In fact Zeal is a unique type of social organization, essentially anarchistic, in which people can supervise and alter each others’ work and gain status and power through their work.

WPM’s progress

This is how we progressed in Zeal’s league table of 500 charities, climbing to rank with some of the world’s top charities.



June 14 72nd
June 20 43rd
June 23 28th
June 28 8th
June 30 4th

Roll of Honour

This is the roll of those who played a major part by getting more than 500 points


(end June 30)
Jared Frailey (jaredf) 3,740
Andrew Millard (acmillard) 3,102
Gudrun Schindler (gudrun) 2,751
Travis Unwin  (Evo) 1,268
Paul Harrison (rainhorse) 1,215
Oliver Chadwick (oliver) 1,058
Heather Galaxy 1,012
Claude Duguay (gensurfer) 1,033
Janet Devlin (Ivy)    612


How to get started

Fill in the first page. Uncheck the box saying you wish to receive mail from them. ($1 + $1 bonus for every five)

On the next page, in the grey box for who referred you,
enter wpm@pantheism.net.
Follow the instructions in the e-mail they send you to confirm your e-mail address, 
and the WPM will get one dollar. For every five who register, we get a $5 bonus.
Please don’t forget to enter wpm@pantheism.net as your referrer, almost a third of people who register for us do forget to do this.

Click “Back” to get back to the page where you entered wpm@pantheism.net, then click
“Click here to get started”, and choose the World Pantheist Movement as your charity.
The easiest way to do this is to go to the WPM profile page and click this button on the right:
zealset.gif (1916 bytes)

2. Refer friends at Zeal      
$1 + $1 bonus for every five)

You must register at Zeal yourself first, and nominate your charity, before you will gain credits for recommending friends.

3. Recommend and rate Websites at Zeal

You can continue to earn points and cents for the WPM at Zeal
Submit Websites (10cts each)
Rate Websites     (2cts each)
Review websites  (2cts each)

Sometimes reviewing can score points faster than submitting

4. Weekly bonus

       Zeal also give a weekly bonus prize of $500. They pick a site at random, check the quality of the submission (is it correctly titled, described, categorized?) and if all is well they give $500, half to the charity of the submitter, half to that of the “publisher” ie the zealot who approved it.
           This is a very substantial bonus, equal (in the old days) to submitting 1000 sites or piling up 5,000 points. But only one charity gets it each week, out of 500-odd. The random element makes it hard to “work” for, except as a way of making sure that people do submit and publish sites conscientiously.   
            This prize has aroused a lot of criticism among Zeal activists, and will be phased out at the end of August, but it is worth entering only URLs that work, in the correct categories, and with good, correctly spelled and punctuated descriptions. If not, a site that is chosen for examination will not win the weekly prize.

Tips and Opportunities

General advice

  • Help Zeal as well as the WPM.
  • Submit sites conscientiously, describe them accurately and informatively, and submit them to the correct categories.
  • If you’re in charge of a category, don’t make a mess of it. Create a good structure with sensible subcategories. Leave it better than you found it.
  • Don’t submit duplicate sites unless they are central to your category (and don’t submit to more than three categories or it will be rejected automatically.)
  • As soon as you have submitted a site, rate it, you get one extra point and $0.02 for that.
  • Give bonus feedback points to other WPM members to help them reach 25 points, so they can take on their own categories.

Step one: Get five sites accepted

Navigate to an area you’re interested in and submit seven to ten sites quickly – it may take a day or two to get them accepted.
It helps to pick on areas that are less populated with sites already.

Step two: become a zealot for a subcategory

As soon as you have 25 points, go forth and take on a modest subcategory. You do this by clicking on the “Become a Zealot for this category” link. Check the “price” in points, on the right.

This will allow you to enter sites and have them accepted immediately (though if you abuse this power, someone else may come along later and delete them and dock you points).

You are likely to do best if you pick:

– An area you know about and would like to influence its presentation at Zeal

– An area you have always wanted to find out about

– An area that has few sites so far

– An area with loads of possibilities – these are often geographical or personal.

Step three: become a nomadic category zealot

    You don’t need to hang onto categories once you have entered all the links you can think of there.

Resign from a category you’ve done with – click on “My tools”, scroll down to “Resign from category” and click on it, check the ones you want to resign from and confirm.

Then use these free points to buy into another subcategory.

Step four: take on higher category levels

    Sometimes, if you have a lot of sites to add in different sections of a higher category, it may be easiest to take on the higher category if you can afford it, then you can add sites to all the subcategories.