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I’m fortunate to have the care of a 1/3 acre suburban lot. I’m proud to
have it certified with the National Wildlife Federation as a Backyard Wildlife Habitat.
It’s not difficult. Many of you would find your land already qualifies, as I did.
Like many others, I’ve already had pantheist gatherings there. We printed color
invitations offering guests the opportunity to "Celebrate the summer solstice.
Commune with nature. Enjoy the music of the birds and the waterfall. Harmonize with the
Tao. Achieve serenity." About 20 people turned up.
I hope others will consider participating in this wonderful opportunity to work toward the
pantheist ideal. What better way to act on our beliefs than to commit to stewardship of
our land for natural preservation and pantheist fellowship? Imagine if everyone committed
to the preservation of the property under their care and its use for communing with their
fellow creatures, homo sapiens included. What a beautiful world it would be! In the
meantime, what an opportunity to demonstrate the pantheist ideal to the rest of the world.
I can’t think of anything I’d rather have the WPM known for. Who are the pantheists?
They’re the folks who develop and care for natural areas for the preservation of life,
including our own.
Steve Cox
