Why Join?  Member benefits What membership supports

Member Levels

Please choose a member level and click “Select” next to it.
This will take you to a short form. Please fill that in and click the yellow Paypal button at the bottom. You can choose your own payment level equal to or above the suggested amounts.
Paypal is very secure and safe, for you and for us.
You do not need to have or to create a Paypal account. 

You can use credit or debit card, or direct payment from your bank account.
If you don’t wish to become a member you can donate directly via Paypal.

Level Price Action

$100.00 per Year.


$50.00 per Year.


$25.00 per Year.


$750.00 now.


$18.00 per Year.

Student/Low Income

$9.00 now and then $12.00 per Year.


Joining is consistent support.

Essentially joining amounts to an organized form of supporting. Currently we boost our very best posts on our Facebook page about our core values and beliefs. This has proved to be an extraordinarily effective and low-cost method of connecting many more people to our main website, where they can read the rich material there. The boosted posts also spread important parts of our message much more widely. We choose our desired audience – mostly people who have already shown interest in Nature,  Animals, Universe, Science, human and animal rights. 

We are living through multiple crises of pandemic, major recession, global warming, massive biodiversity loss, deep social divisions, and repressive scripture-based policies on sexuality, gender, abortion, climate science and science teaching.
The World Pantheist Movement focuses on priorities that are crucial in our current situation. Scientific Pantheism is a form of spirituality that is strongly focused on Earth, love and care for Nature, and promoting human and animal rights. Many people find Scientific Pantheism a helpful framework for finding their place in the Universe, society and Nature as well as a positive approach to enjoying life and overcoming its problems.

Scientific pantheism listens to and learns from science. We stand for separation of church and state, for freedom of religion and freedom from religion.
The World Pantheist Movement allies with the global effort to slow, stop and reverse humanity’s damage to the environment. We are living in stressful and challenging times that can foster isolation and despair, so we facilitate internet discussion groups and local groups moderated to minimize trolling.
We hope you choose to support and be part of this groundbreaking initiative. We rely entirely on contributions from sympathetic supporters to sustain and expand our activities. Although we are a US-registered 501(c)3 non-profit, we operate globally and welcome members world-wide.

Member benefits

  • Access to special themed digests of our classic magazine Pan, a library of deep pantheist thinking, experience and information. You can also access the original full editions.

  • On request, certification as civil celebrant, to conduct weddings for friends and relatives (private) or (if qualified) to the public.

  • Access to archives of our discussion groups, sharing scientific pantheist insights and life wisdom since 1997.

  • We are recognized by the IRS as a 501(c)3 non-profit, so contributions are tax-deductible for US taxpayers.

Your generous contributions enable

  • Promoting our page’s best posts – posts that most clearly cover our priorities as a form of spirituality focused on Nature, Universe , Human and Animal Rights – to a greatly expanded number of people. These promotions directly click through to our website pantheism.net which is the richest Internet source of information on the history, practice and beliefs of Pantheism and Scientific. 

  • Running an expanding field of Facebook groups for networking and supportive local communities.

  • Web hosting, security, domain registration, tech help, membership software, bank fees, state registration fees etc

  • All regular work is done by unpaid volunteers. Occasional consultants may be hired for specific technical tasks. No director or officer of the WPM receives any payment other than legitimate expenses on WPM business.