Paul Harrison

>>Paul Harrison

Blog posts by World Pantheist Movement President Paul Harrison, author of Elements of Pantheism

12 11, 2019

Humans: cancer and cure

By |November 12th, 2019|Categories: Environment, Nature, Paul Harrison, Planet|Comments Off on Humans: cancer and cure

We can adopt - RIGHT NOW - the lifestyles that eventually may become national policies - to minimize our impact, to use renewable energy, to eat lower on the food chain, to have fewer children and much else. As we do so friends and neighbors and colleagues will follow and multiply our examples. Our choices will mold what corporations provide. Our growing voices will influence what politicians decide.

12 01, 2010

Pantheism and the Vatican

By |January 12th, 2010|Categories: Blog, Pantheism, Paul Harrison, Paul Harrison on Pantheism, Religions|Comments Off on Pantheism and the Vatican

Since the first half of the 19th century, Pantheism has been the target of attacks by the Vatican. Over the past year those attacks have increased in frequency and extent. Coming later on this page we will look at the history of the Vatican attitude to Pantheism. First we look at the latest developments.

World Pantheist Movement Press Release of January 13, 2010.
View in situ at PRWeb

The Vatican appears to be launching an all-fronts attack on Pantheism – the belief that Nature should be the focus of our spiritual life. Vatican media have slammed the movie Avatar for promoting Pantheism, only a few days after Pope Benedict XVI attacked Pantheism in his New Year’s message for World Peace.

Pantheists focus on religious reverence for Nature and the wider Universe rather than for any supernatural God or gods. Concern for Nature is a central ethical concern, and Nature is also viewed as a major source of spiritual comfort.

“It’s beginning to seem like the Vatican sees Pantheism as a growing threat,” said Dr Paul Harrison, president of the World Pantheist Movement. “Maybe that’s because the whole world is undergoing a tremendous shift in values towards the environment because of climate change and […]