Other pantheists are among the best friends you could wish to make
It’s well worth meeting fellow members of the World Pantheist Movement or the scientific pantheism mailing list. These are usually among the most lively, intelligent, sensitive and caring folk you could hope to meet.
In addition, meeting others helps to make pantheism more real, and to provide support for your own beliefs.
It’s best to start off with informal meetings: a picnic, an outing to an interesting natural area, a site connected to famous pantheists.
Use the locator maps
You can check out the maps starting at Scientific Pantheists Around the World to see how many people are near you. This will give you a guide as to how far afield you need to look when organizing a get-together.
Use the Geo-Database
You can check out our database of present and former members of the WPM and the natural/scientific pantheism list at the Community Egroup.
The Non-US files are arranged by country and city.
The US files are arranged by state, city and Zip code. Please note that many people who live in big cities enter the name of their suburb rather than the big city, so be prepared to browse through the entries for your state using an Atlas.
Another approach is using the ZIP code. You can sort the database files by ZIP code by clicking on the title of the ZIP column (not all entries have Zip codes however.)
You can find Zip codes via Langenberg’s Zip locator. You can find codes within a certain distance of you by using the Surrounding Zip Codes facility. You can also look at Zip code maps of areas around you (choose Zoom 6 for the best view). It’s best to think in terms of the first two digits of the ZIP code.
Check out your local contact person
You can also see who is the contact person for your area in the Local Group Contacts file at the Pantheist News Egroup.
Become a local contact person
Local contact people are those who would like to organize or facilitate gatherings of people within reach (at this stage of our development within reach can often mean within 100 miles).
This may mean no more than organizing an annual solstice event, garden party or outing to a nature spot. At this stage the numbers attending are usually small – between five and twenty people. Later on it may mean helping to organize more regular gatherings, but at this stage there will probably be two or three others helping.
If you would like to become a local contact person, please let Paul Harrison or Andrew Millard know and also join our local groups egroup.