This is a resource center for people aiming to give talks, sermons or presentations on nature reverence, Naturalistic/scientific Pantheism, or the World Pantheist Movement.
Sample sermons and services about pantheism/nature-reverence:
Using Nature and the Universe as a Spiritual Path
Paul Harrison [Conejo Valley Unitarian Fellowship, Thousand Oaks, CA]
Full service including sermon text and RealMedia recording, hymns, readings and children’s story.
UU Humanists and Pagans; Can This Marriage be Saved? Yes!
And the Children Will be Scientific Pantheists
Richard Hervey [Unitarian Universalist Church, Corvalis, Oregon
includes Powerpoint presentation:
Potted history of Universe and Life for children
Scientific/Natural Pantheism
Laura Lyons [People’s Church, Ludington, Michigan]
Journey into pantheism
Tony van der Mude [Hunterton UU Church, New Jersey]
including choice of UU hymns.
Speakers and performers of services
- The Great Story – services from Connie Barlow and Michael Dowd
A great experience if you can book these travelling “evangelists of evolution.”
Video clips; parables, stardust rituals
- Jim Scott, environmental virtuoso composer, guitarist and singer
Jim frames inspiring UU services that can kickstart any Green Sanctuary campaign.
You can also buy his infinitely wholesome and spiritual songs about nature as a books or CDs.
Readings and poems related to Nature
Earth prayers, Life Prayers, Peace Prayers
Three wonderful Interfaith collections of inspiring readings for 365 days of the year
Children’s stories and activities 
Sharing Nature with Children– Joseph Cornell’s classic four-book series on how to help children experience and explore nature. Cornell also has a Sharing Nature Foundation which sells all Cornell’s books as well as games, videos and tapes.
Chief Seattle’s Speech
The People who Hugged Trees
Music, natural sounds and hymns
Echoes of Nature 1 – 5CD boxed set – rains, oceans, rivers, birds, frogs
Echoes of Nature 2 – 5CD boxed set – thunderstorms, waves, morning choruses
Many tracks on each CD – fantastic value for only $14.99 a set
Singing the living tradition – Unitarian Universalist songbook, with music
Singing the Journey – new companion UU songbook, multicultural hymns, chants and songs for marking the seasons of our lives
Jim Scott: Nature and green songs books or CDs
Earth and Spirit Songbook Over 100 songs of earth and peace by many songwriters, with music score for piano/voices.
Sources for visual material – slides, posters.
NASA Core: slide sets & DVDs & CDRoms on all astronomical topics.
Posters of Nature, the Universe, Nature-focussed spirituality
Visual presentations (Powerpoint etc)
Potted history of Universe and Life for children by Richard Hervey
Typical audience questions and answers
Check the Pantheist FAQS and the WPM FAQS
General notes
Remember, alas, that 90% of people’s impressions of a talk are based on how you appear and how you deliver, rather than on what you say. So dress suitably, practice, and cultivate a relaxed and confident manner.
- Know your audience and tailor your talk to them.
- Practice beforehand, unless you’re accustomed to public speaking.
- Check the timing to make sure it doesn’t run over.
- Start strikingly. First impressions count.
- Add personal experiences and feelings.
- Print out our leaflets and place them handy where people can see them.
Insert your own contact e-mail or phone.
If you actually give a talk or presentation, please mail me the outline plus a list of the questions you got and any answers you gave that you think might help others (especially the clever ones:).